Anti Bullying

At Glenmere Primary School we take any form of bullying very seriously. We deal with bullying in many different ways as part of our PSHE curriculum, our assemblies and through the Anti-bullying and Internet safety days that occur during the year.

Our 'Well-Being Buddies' play an important part in creating a safe, friendly, happy and peaceful atmosphere for children during lunchtimes.

Who are the wellbeing buddies and what is their role?

A group of our year 6 children take on the role of Well-Being Buddies. The buddies really enjoy their responsibilities, and not only do they make the playground a happy place for all the children, but also offer a great help to the staff on duty at lunchtime.

They are there to:

  • To help all children to play cooperatively with each other

  • To help children resolve minor conflicts

  • Teach children to play games

  • To be a good listener when another child would like to talk

  • Help lonely children make more friends

  • Report any unkind things you see to an adult

  • Be available as a friend to all of the other children

They are the children wearing the purple Glenmere Well-Being Buddy jumpers.

Below are some Anti Bullying resources that you may find helpful.

Topsy and Tim Help a Friend | Story Time | Anti Bullying Video 

Topsy and Tim help a friend in this Story Time episode. When Topsy and Tim discover that their friend Stevie is being bullied, they try to find the best way to help him at school. Click the link below to watch the video.

Topsy and Tim Help a Friend | Story Time | Anti Bullying Video 

Topsy and Tim help a friend in this Story Time episode. When Topsy and Tim discover that their friend Stevie is being bullied, they try to find the best way to help him at school. Click the link below to watch the video.

BBC Bitesize-

3  clips

  1. From Bully to best friend - A young girl who was being bullied by her friend explains how eventually she found the courage to confide in a teacher and how the situation was dealt with. Since then the bully has seen the error of her ways and as a result is now a friendly, pleasant and polite person who everybody likes.
  2. Playground buddies - This report introduces us to playground buddies whose job it is to make sure all children are involved in playtime and to try to solve any problems pupils may have. It also shows how massage in the classroom, accompanied by soft music and pictures, can relieve tension in the children when they go out onto the playground. Finally, we are introduced to mediators, children who volunteer for the task of being the sounding board for any problems children may have. Children often prefer this to confiding in a teacher.
  3. What is a bully -Several children provide an introduction to bullying. There are two types of bullying - emotional bullying (excluding people and unkind remarks) and physical bullying (violence). The children explain the effects of bullying on them and how it makes them feel. 

Our definition of bullying comes from the Anti-Bullying Alliance and is....

"The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or through cyberspace."